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About Us

This is our quarantine Success story. Our inspiration began during the global quarantine when two friends decided to make something together. ‘Treat lock-down as a boon rather than a bane, was a quote that moved us, so it started.

The beginning: Fashion is part of our day-to-day lives and it changes all the time. Moving away from a belief that wants fashion dictates our choices, but instead seeing it through the lens of self-choice, self-empowerment, and identity, we dress to express ourselves, we dress the way we live, we dress the way we decide to dress.
So we created a brand of luxury essential street-wear clothing and handcrafted jewelry, located in Athens, Greece.
Caviar Cream is our brand name and we create a collection of daily essentials.
We are firm believers that one of the best ways to fight for the insurance of sustainability in fashion is to make stylish garments that last. Caviar cream jewelry is handcrafted by order using the highest quality sterling silver and gold on the market and crafted to last.